The Declaration of Independence, an appeal to God...
Often not remembered is the fact that those founders who signed the Declaration of Independence made their appeal for freedom from a...
Caitlin Stevens Beautiful Ending I want to think that I have the world and my life all figured out until reality sets in, and I realize...
Our forefathers declared independence based upon our right to be separated from England based on the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God....
Good Christian, Good American, Good Citizen...
There is a very interesting piece of history that helps us to realize what a good citizen looks like. This should be applied to our daily...
Spirit of Power and Love and Self-Control!
Considering the New Year, even for those of us who do not make resolutions, I am encouraged to develop plans for the upcoming seasons. As...
This image is seen pretty regularly during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to Christmas. But, its origin has long been forgotten and...
Garbage... A Response to National Geographic
I am a reader. I take in as much information as I can in the course of a day. I have refined my reading over the last number of years to...
Freedom… It is an interesting time to live in the United States of America. I cannot imagine that I am alone when I wonder if we will...
Why do I choose to believe the Bible?
We are losing our kids in a world of free thinkers and atheists. But why? We can blame academia or the weakness of the contemporary...
Why do I choose to believe the Bible?
We are losing our kids in a world of free thinkers and atheists. But why? We can blame academia or the weakness of the contemporary...