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Spirit of Power and Love and Self-Control!

Considering the New Year, even for those of us who do not make resolutions, I am encouraged to develop plans for the upcoming seasons. As plans are set in for my family, work, Bible Study, church, community service, response to an ever-changing world, I will face it all with boldness. I have no reason to fear anything the world throws my way, even if it may cause pain. I worship a Mighty God who saves and has the perfect plan for my life.

As I read Paul’s letter to Timothy and the kind words that he shares with him about his prayers for his friend, I am reminded to not move forward in fear. Paul reminds Timothy of his sincere faith that has been generational in his family. A faith that Paul wants Timothy to fan into flame and continue to grow. A faith in the God of all Creation that gives us a spirit of power not fear. A faith of love, not fear. A faith of self-control and not fear.

The world is full of things that will attempt to sideline your faith. Politics, news, polarizing opinions that are filled with fear and hate will all try to lead you away from God. As you start to plan your year, plan it knowing that you have the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of you. Remember when the world treats each other like they have no value, you have a spirit of love. Remember when you want to respond with anger or in a sinful way, that you have a spirit of self-control. We, as believers, have no reason to fear anything. God is real, God is good, God is faithful.

“I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:6-7)


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